Lower Grade STEM Class 2020

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Most years our lower grade STEM class takes part in programs such as FIRST Lego League Jr. and Invention Convention. After all our events were canceled last year, and it looked like this year would be the same story, we switched gears and are enjoying a variety of different STEM activities. Here are some examples.





3D Bar Graphs: In this math-based STEM activity, students learned about conducting surveys, as well as how to use charts, tally marks, and bar graphs to collect and share data. They then each conducted their own survey and used Legos to make 3D bar graphs of the results.






Simple Machines: The kids learned about a different simple machine each week, then built Lego models to demonstrate each type. While the students used instruction manuals to build the initial models, they were then free to change and adapt what they had built to make it uniquely their own! Fun fact: These models are way cooler when you see them in action! Check out the videos on our school's Facebook page!






Catapults: The kids built Lego catapults, then tested them out in the gym, measuring and recording the distances. Data gathering is fun!

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